It is time to celebrate Easter! This time last year we were privileged to have my Italian in-laws here in Australia staying with us on holiday. It was an amazing 7 weeks filled with many family celebrations from a first birthday celebration to a seventieth birthday celebration and with Easter thrown in the middle. So I'm reminiscing a little and thinking of family far away.
The holy week leading up to Easter, my mother in law Carmela is always busy preparing the feast to be shared with loved ones. I know she is busy preparing right now as I'm busy typing away. I wanted to share with you my favourite savoury dish eaten at Easter, Pizza Chiena (in dialect) or Pizza Ripiena (in Italian). This pizza is usually made on Venerdi Santo (Good Friday) and is not to be eaten until Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday or it may be saved for Pasquetta (Easter Monday) because it has pork in it. Every family has their own variation but the main ingredients are rice, eggs, a variety of cheeses and a variety of cured pork meats and then cooked to perfection in a wood fired oven. I really need to write this recipe down as I'm yet to make it. Here is a photo I took when they came out of the oven.

And for the lovers of sweetness we have the classic Pastiera Napoletana, the smell of this Easter dessert is heavenly. A sweet crust filled with ricotta, cooked wheat berries and scented with orange flower water. My mother in law always cooks more than one. If you would like to make it yourself click here for Gennaro Contaldo's recipe. Also here is a photo of one Nonna Carmela made (my mother in law).

Wishing you all a Happy and safe Easter. Buona Pasqua a tutti!
Ciao, a presto xxx